Not here in beloved Tiong Bahru
Clearly at day 12 of quarantine, and like Gabe's previous post, we start looking back on the past 10/11 days and wonder...where did all the time go?
NOT. It didn't fly by, guess the saying that time flies when you're having fun holds true. We weren't having fun (not entirely), we were doing okay and making quarantine work for us.
The first few days went by quite quickly, and then it didn't and you start realising that days are short and nights are long (because the sun sets at 5pm remember) and while there are things occupying our time, they are usually the same things and routine leads to boredom and mundane tasks can be suffocating. That's a summary of quarantine for me at least.
NOT. Am I that shallow? From this experience, I've realised a few things, but I'll save realisations for another entry of it's own.
Woke happy that it's day 12. I'm excited to get packing and getting outta here! I'd imagine this is how it feels for boys about to 'ORD LO'.
To answer where I'm at, here are a few questions from friends, and some thoughts that came from it.
1. Did you get vaccinated before travelling to Australia?
Answer is no. We tried hard though, to put away our parents' (just moms) constant nagging and worries, wrote to MOH twice with our appeal but they turned us down with an effortless copy/pasted response of having to prioritise the elders and frontline workers. Fair enough, and how can we argue with that?
I'm not hard up for the vaccine and have my reservations, but I suppose it's eventual. As PR here, we should be looking at October to be vaccinated.
2. Why did you migrate?
Good question. Why did I freaking migrate? Everything was good for me in Singapore, I had good work-life balance, awesome colleagues, friends and family, a beautiful home and even teaching yoga on the side was a great gig. Life was good.
But that's exactly it right - maybe being too good is no good. Y'know? I say this because there is some truth to it. Yes, this move was mooted by Gabe. He was the first one with PR status (7 years ago) and a longing to live and work overseas, together. He initiated this, for us, and I supported it. I supported it not because I was being a good wife (although that is true), but because we saw it as an opportunity that not many have in their lifetimes.
That was it - because we had the opportunity, and Gabe's PR would have expired yesterday, 26 May 2021 had we not seized it. It was never an escape, for a job, or even a dream.
We entertained the idea for a loong time, and even at T-Minus 12 days, after losing Gong Gong, we (or I) wanted to call it off. Deep down we knew PR wasn't something we'd actively pursue if it wasn't because we already had it. So why migrate? Again there was no real push or pull factor, it was just because. Opportunity presented itself.
Difficult as it was, from making that decision to relocate and putting in work to make it a reality, I am coming to terms that we have migrated. I've resigned from a job I love, rented out our home to strangers and will be missing loved ones back in Singapore. No regrets (yet). We went through a lot of lows before getting here.
That's what a partner does right, they challenge you and take you on adventures (whether good or bad) and you'd have to experience it all together. I'm in. Guess I'm all in.
Although, to truly answer this question, it'd probably be a year down or when we return to Singapore, contemplating on major life decisions. For now, we're here - let's live.
3. What are you going to do for work?
Asking myself this every now and then. Before coming here, I had three options:
#1: Work for Make-A-Wish Australia / another wish-granting organisation / an NGO
#2: Do something related to yoga - delve deeper into yoga as therapy, for kids, kids with special needs.
#3: Study. Take on a skills-based course, something like occupational therapy or the like.
What I've noticed the above have in common is that I'd like to continue helping disadvantaged children in ways I can. Funny that I'm not a 'kid-person' but yet my life is surrounded by them. So, I don't know what I'd be doing for work, but I do know that I'd like to be fully present here in Australia and even if work isn't going to be a part of it for the first few months...I'll be okay.
4. How are you going to survive?
Do you really have to ask? Haha, on my wits and grit.
5. How can I apply to migrate like you?
I'm a rider. I got my PR visa through applying for spousal visa so we basically had to prove that our marriage is legit and that I'm not some China bride. We owe it tho to Ben, Gabe's migration agent from years back. He was helpful and patient throughout. Let us know if you need a contact :)
6. Y'all make quarantine look like fun / compelling / easy.
Feels like this should be a thing regardless of Covid ~Abhi (Sarah's friend)
Why, thank you. This last one deserves a response because when Abhi said this a week ago, I was in agreement. Another friend (Apple), also called quarantine a 'privilege' and that not many people get this chance to do absolutely nothing. Yes, that's how we see it too, thinking, "quarantine is really good for getting us adjusted to the weather, and decompressing before setting out into the world". Do I take my words back? Kind of. A week of decompression is all that is needed to be appreciative of what we don't have and miss. I miss having cooked meals the most.
Not sure how to end off this post of where I'm at, but I hope our blog has been helpful in keeping those at home close to us, and to anyone thinking about migrating (from Singapore), or going into quarantine. I wish everyone I cared for owned a blog so we could know their state of wellbeing but I guess seeing snippets of their day on Instagram or Facebook would have to do.
I know this blog is going to be something we'll read back on, and I hope it captures everything we wish this journey to be and more.
Reflective Day 12 check ✅