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Quarantine Day 4: The Small Wins


Little things make a big difference and today was full of small wins.

The usual 9:30am knock on the door for breakfast delivery and a quick pulse/blood pressure check started our day. We were both up quite early this time.

Small win #1: Making Proper Coffee

With our groceries delivered yesterday, we now have the ability to make proper coffee! That's huge. I tried the Necafé sachets that come with our breakfast zip lock pack and it's really terrible. Yish!

So this morning started with a cup of freshly brewed coffee and one of the two bananas we ordered. Don't ask us why we only ordered two bananas. We're not sure ourselves.

A proper cup of coffee makes all the difference.

Small win #2: Laundry & Dryer

We initially wanted to call the reception to send us fresh towels and then we realised we could just do our own laundry because our apartment comes with a washing and dryerrrrrr!

Even our house in Singapore doesn't have a dryer so this is a luxury item. The apartment even provides laundry liquid.

Dirty clothes and towels went in for a quick wash and straight to the dryer. Not sure what was up with the dryer but we had to let it run for at least 2.5 hours to get it all dried up.

Small win #3: Staying connected

We're a little sad to miss out on Sarah's mum's birthday this Friday but I guess with semi-circuit breaker in place now, we wouldn't be able to make it over even if we were still in Singapore.

Either way, we're happy we managed to stay involved and got a nice Premium Durian cake sorted out for Friday. PayNow still works even if you're overseas!

Later that day, we had a short video call with Sarah's sister and her god child Ju Jude. And then a late night surprise call from Sarah's bestie.

All in all, it's still good to find ways to stay connected to friends and family back home.

Small win #4: Exercise Today I discovered I could fit in a proper jog inside our apartment by running lengths from the door to the balcony. It's 10m one way and I managed to do just over 3.5km which means I did over 360 laps. Not bad though, at least my heart rate went up and got a decent sweat which is difficult to achieve in this cold weather.

Sarah went on a Ring Fit Adventure on the Switch which always provides a good workout.

Thankful that our quarantine apartment gives us both enough space to do these workouts because it could have easily been this instead for 14 days:

If you're placed in a hotel room, laundry has to be done in the shower and dried there as well. #Research

Small win #5: Food & TV

Tonight's dinner delivery from around the world comes from... JAPAN!

We might have over ordered but Jap food is Sarah's happy food. And whatever makes her happy is a good thing. Got our dinner from Itsumo Sushi and Itdidnotdisappoint. We didn't have green tea to wash down dinner after but a quick call to reception and we had green tea bags at our door step. Yes, more plastic. Sorry animals of the world!

We continued our Harry Potter marathon with the Deathly Hallows Part II. What a movie series.

Movie fun fact: Every single wand that you see on screen was created specifically for each character. No two wands were alike - instead the props department based all of their designs on descriptions from the book.

The apartment wi-fi was even decent enough to stream the latest episode of Top Chef (It's awesome. Check it out!).

So that's day four for us. We're doing pretty alright. There really isn't much to complain about given our large quarantine apartment and even less reason to do so when we focus on the small wins.

Day four check ✅

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